Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What Next? Apparently this...

It did not take too long for an explanation to come out concerning the failed "prophetic" prediction of Harold Camping.  You can click here for an article; the basic explanation is Camping was off by five months as this past Saturday was an "invisible judgment day" (how convenient), and October 21st is still the day the earth is going to be destroyed by a fireball (presumably a gigantic one).  Apparently, as you can read here, this dawned on him over the weekend. 

I wonder what happens with "the rapture" in light of this new revelation?  That is (unfortunately) a mainstay in the eschatology of many...but apparently Camping - err, I mean God - has no use for that now.   Apparently there is no use for the earth either as it will be destroyed...but I will leave that behind for now.

While far from being an exhaustive list, a few major options we have are to either a) believe Camping, b) dismiss him as a false prophet, c) go about life as normal and ignore eschatology because another prediction has failed, or d) take a serious look at eschatology and its implications.

I opt for "d" - but this is where many often do not like to go because of the belief eschatology is confusing.  This is unfortunate because the implications of eschatology are important...important enough God wanted them clearly communicated so His people would obey by them. Believe me, God does not want this to be confusing - why would He?

Indeed, many live unconcerned about eschatology due to ignorance.  Please note I did not say "stupidity"; we are all ignorant of many things - this is a fact of life.  So how about this, how about we shed light on some biblical teaching concerning eschatology in an attempt to remove the cover of ignorance?  While doing this together people will be able to form their own conclusions; e.g., reject the most commonly held eschatological teachings as false (e.g., a rapture, the earth being destroyed, etc.) and actively seek to live a life of readiness...OR accept what culture says is true about eschatology - and basically ignore it.

Open our eyes Lord...

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