Friday, June 1, 2012

Bucket List [2]...

Cultural expectations, assumptions, desires...and the Bible.  Our tendency to look out for ourselves and make plans in order to make life easier and more enjoyable...and the life of Jesus.  The list could continue, but I think you get the idea it is one of contrast - stark contrast.

Yesterday the issue of a "bucket list" was raised.  A bucket list is a list of things a person desires to do before they die.  Quite often it includes seeing places and/or doing a variety of things.  To be certain, viewing God's creation and having a good time are certainly not wrong.  Yet to muddy the waters a bit we looked at an action of Jesus on the way to His impending death.  In other words, we might ask ourselves, "What was on the "bucket list" of Jesus?"  By the way, the Bible tends to muddy a lot of waters we would rather be clear with smooth sailing.

In summary of yesterday, Jesus sought out a man of great wealth (Zacchaeus) whose response to Jesus was stunning.  With literary beauty Luke sandwiched a lot of people held captive and mastered by money between two (Levi in Lk5:27ff and Zacchaeus in Lk19:1ff) who finally cast off the shackles of deception and were no longer a slave to it.  Jesus' bucket list revolved around expanding the Kingdom of God.  What can we deduce from all of this?

We ought to deduce being a Christian in our culture is not easy.  Granted, we do not face physical death like many brothers and sisters around the world.  Rather, we face persecution (a great tribulation) of a more sinister kind - seduction by our culture.  It is easy to think we are simply "making a living" when in reality we may be in danger of "gaining the world and losing our soul" (Lk9:25).  After all, a married couple with one child living at the U.S. poverty level ($19,090) is more wealthy than 88.65% of the people in the world.  I am not saying it is easy or enjoyable to live at the poverty level (I and we have been there), but I am saying something is wrong with the reality of such disparity.  We live in a world where Weight Watchers is a prosperous company "here", while countless others die of starvation "over there" (and I realize a lack of food is also a problem "here").  What do we do with things like that?  I do not know.  There are not easy answers or quick fixes.  But I do know we do live in a culture of unparalleled wealth and it impacts all of us.

We ought to also deduce that we must not gloss over a biblical use of wealth.  Far too often money is viewed as a tool to get the things we want in order to somehow enjoy life more fully - in the here and now.  Yet Luke tells us we should leverage our money in the here and now so more people can enjoy the abundant life with God - both now and in eternity (cf. the "dishonest" steward in Lk16:1-13).  Indeed, it is easy to be blind to the reality that quite often money is really controlling us and we are serving it as a master.  This should never be.  We should use our wealth as a tool to make God famous.

We ought also concede that on His way to an excruciating and humiliating death Jesus purposefully sought out an individual who would use what the world values (money) to bring glory to the One of infinite worth (God).  It appears Jesus' "bucket list" included making sure the crowning point of God's creation (humans) knew the One who created them and spoke this world into existence loves them.  How high is that on your bucket list?

I must confess there are a variety of places I would like to see and go.  There are many things I would like to do.  There is something special about sharing experiences with those you love.  I do not think there is anything wrong with that.  Yet I find it ironic we live in a culture where a vacation is a necessity due to the frenzied pace at which we live.  Then, while on vacation, many fall prey to our culture and the incessant need to consume (e.g., to see and do, view and experience, etc.), and it takes a toll.  More than one person has returned home desiring a vacation from their vacation...

In sum; whether or not you have a "bucket list" or not is not the point.  What is at least a point to consider is something like; Does your bucket list reflect a high value on the crowning point of God's creation over traveling to a few choice destinations or experiencing a few cheap (or expensive) thrills?  In other words, are people more important than a place or experience?  I think the new heavens and new earth will be far grander than anything we can visually see or experience now.  Put another way; Does your bucket list look any different than someone not following Jesus as their Lord? 

Does your bucket list include...

  • family and friends entering the Kingdom of God?  
  • serving those less fortunate than you - be it in a "soup kitchen", through your own creative idea, or on a short-term missions trip? 
  • reconciling with people you have hurt and offended...or who may have hurt and offended you?  
  • "adopting" a child in the neighborhood who does not have a father, or grandparents, and showing them unconditional love while giving a single Mom (or Dad) a bit of time to themselves?  
The list is small and incomplete.  And I may be wrong, but I think a bucket list with items like these just might be more thrilling than something else you may desire to do.  Yet I am certain I am correct in the assumption that they can lead to many being eternally grateful.  

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