Friday, May 25, 2012

Gospel Avengers?

Earlier this week I finally gave in; my wife and I went to see The Avengers.  OK, that is not entirely true... but we did see The Avengers (something we both wanted to do).

I usually try and relax whenever I see a movie.  In fact, at times I come close to being alarmed with how much of an escape a movie can be for me.  Yet that is another issue (and maybe another post).  Nevertheless, I share that because I do not seek to evaluate every twist and turn, figure things out in advance, etc.  Quite often I like to simply be along for the ride.  Yet early in The Avengers a few things stood out so blatantly that I am compelled to comment on them.  While the quotes will not be verbatim, the concepts are accurate.

Relatively early in the movie the "key" villain, Loki, mentioned he came with an announcement of "good tidings".  In other words he came with an announcement of good news...or a gospel.  A bit later Loki derides humans for how their "pursuit of freedom is enslaving them" and how they were "made to be ruled and to submit".  Who would have ever thought such deep concepts - and truth - would make their way into a superhero movie?

First let us quickly take the "good tidings" comment.  Christianity does not have a corner market on the Greek word euangelion (from which we get "good news" or "gospel" - hence Loki's "good tidings").  It is a term that for Rome could announce Caesar's birthday or a victory in battle; basically things that were "good" for the advancement of Rome (which meant the opposite for many others).  The concept is much the same for the Jewish people.  In other words, the "good news" is good (or bad) based on context; good for some yet bad for others.  This is true in the New Testament too.  All that is encompassed by God's "good news" is indeed bad news for the kingdom of darkness.  Therefore, Loki (as a 'god') does bring good news (a side note, it is interesting how he takes captive some key individuals early in the film - cf. 2Cor4).  It just so happens many would disagree with Loki's assessment that the news he brings is good (hence the movie).  Yet we should not write it off so quickly...

Loki is correct in his assessment that the pursuit of freedom is enslaving people.  There will (perhaps) be another time to address that issue.  Yet for now we will simply acknowledge "freedom" is a slippery word.  It certainly cannot mean the ability to do whatever one desires because that will quickly turn into a lack of freedom for others.  In this case freedom is defined by the one with the bigger stick - which is the way the kingdoms of the world roll.  

Loki is also correct in his assessment that humanity is "made to be ruled and to submit."  Indeed, this is biblical truth.  When humanity seeks to throw off restraint and "be free" they pass from one (benevolent and loving) Ruler to another (malevolent and hateful) ruler.  We are either seeking to continually submit to God's rule (cf. the concept of the Kingdom of God), or we are being deceived by Satan.  Humanity was made to submit to the rule of God.  Unfortunately, far too often we choose our own way because we are deceived and pursuing an illusion of freedom - which only lands us in Satan's web of deceit and chains of addictions.

This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday.  Praise God for the gift of His Spirit which can make our hearts new and continually guide us.  When I look at a list of what flows out of the heart (e.g., Mk7:21-22) it can be depressing.  Fortunately God's grace can bring victory as we cast off the foolish lust for (the illusion of) freedom and submit to the One who brought true "good news" to the world.  May the coming of the Spirit we celebrate this Sunday empower us to be heralds of the best news ever...God is making all things new!  Fortunately, as the crowning point of His creation, that includes you and me.  Mind-boggling...but praise God for it!!!

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