I readily admit, I am not well informed when it comes to popular culture. I suppose I ought to be, yet I often rationalize I have better things to do. Perhaps this is a reason why I have basically ignored the whole Harold Camping date-setting issue. I have had a few private conversations with people, but nothing too much. I knew better...
About a month ago (while relaxing and reflecting with a cup of coffee) I saw three moving billboards (2 vans and a box truck if I remember correctly) drive right past the Java Cat 5 window on a Thursday morning. Their message, among other things, 5/21/11 is The End. The other day my eye was drawn to a full page add in the USA Today on the issue as well. Then yesterday an article in the Kansas City Star caught my eye as I tried to find the USA Today add online for another look. I cannot ignore the issue any longer...
Thankfully my wife keeps me reigned in on the issue or else I would likely be quite abrasive. So here goes: this (and all other date settings) are "unfortunate" [how's that for gentle honey :)]. One of the things this does is make The Church a laughing stock. The general thinking is "If they can't get Jesus' 2nd coming right...why should we believe anything they say about His 1st coming?" I find no fault in that logic. Indeed, there are entire websites devoted to documenting failed predictions (there are also websites poking fun at the rapture in general - like "rapture ready pets" - but I am being nice and not, ummm...well, I am not talking about the "rapture" of the church here).
While I acknowledge this is not good for the unbeleiving world (e.g., it is another way in which they can write off The Church as irrelevant), the larger harm is for The Church internally. Why? This is another example/reason/excuse of why many see "eschatology" as irrelevant or too confusing. Indeed, properly understood "eschatology" is the most important aspect of Christianity (I think I agree with that statement...).
What should The Church do? 1) We should begin praying (if we are not already) for those who are expecting the world to end and are going to be let down. It would be tragic if some were to leave the faith due to a failed prediction. 2) We should begin praying Harold Camping will repent and be held accountable (Harold as well as many others who have done the same...). 3) We should begin praying the scoffing of non-believers will somehow (by God's grace) be turned into questioning and searching. Pray God will use this too for His glory - somehow. 4) We should begin praying The Church will take "eschatology" seriously (I think #4 is a key to revival...).
A few years ago I did some Radio Spots on "the last days". Please listen; there are several. I am open for dialog if you disagree...but at least you have to agree I have used the Bible (and if you disagree please feel free to tell me why). If you agree then share the link or this post. There are other links and people to whom I can refer for the study of eschatology - I think I'll save that for a future post. Yet Shane J Wood is too good to pass up; especially since I may not do a 2nd post (I have been known to do that you know). I am certain what you will find will be informative. Shane is one who takes eschatology seriously.
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