Friday, April 3, 2015

Laying A Foundation

Abraham is a well known figure in the Bible, and for good reason. After all he trusted in God, left all he knew, and was blessed to be a blessing to others. I am all for Abraham being well known. Indeed, his is a story followers of Jesus ought to know. After all, he is like our great-great-great-great (and a lot more greats) grandfather in the faith (cf. Gal3:7-9, 16-17), and we can learn much from his life.

Yet there is an overlooked person in the Abraham narrative I want to bring into the spotlight a bit this day; his name is Terah. “Why Terah?” “In fact, who is Terah?” you may ask. From Genesis11:26-32 we learn Terah is Abraham’s father (well, Abram at this point). Genesis 11:31 says Terah took Abram and Lot (his grandson) and left Ur of the Chaldeans to go into the land of Canaan.

Now do not miss this. This is the same Canaan to which Abram finally went; the same Canaan God gave to the offspring of Abraham (Gen12:7). In other words, it seems Terah started off on the exact same journey for which Abraham is known. Granted, for some reason Terah stopped in Haran, but do not miss that his initial movement (dare we be open to saying following God in obedience) got Abraham that much closer to where God wanted him.

To be clear, I understand the text does not say God communicated with Terah. I also understand that if God did communicate with Terah he did not go as far as God desired him to go. Yet that is also part of my point. His “obedience” got Abraham to a place that was closer to God’s desire – and followers of Jesus everywhere benefit from it.

I realize there is a lot unsaid in this post; I am also going to make a big jump to an application. Yet here is the point; never underestimate how the changes Jesus brings about in your life can lay a foundation for something “magnificent” in the life of another. Indeed, no one lives in a vacuum.

I intend to follow up again, give a few examples, and explain “magnificent” in the near future. Yet for now, on this Good Friday, do not dismiss your faith and obedience – even if it has fallen short of what you think God desires. Things are indeed difficult at times (cf. Good Friday), but Sunday (and the Resurrection) is coming; the Resurrection is reality. 

1 comment:

  1. Very good insight on this! Thanks for sharing, and for the encouragement!
