How else should the truths contained in Revelation 21-22 shape us?
What would you do if you knew you were loved and valued? While it may seem like a frivolous question; the reality is the answer to this is foundational for human behavior.
Every single person I know walks with a limp. In other words, things have happened to them...and they leave a mark. Some of these "things" have been done intentionally by others to inflict hurt. Other "things" have been done in ignorance by people who love them - yet they still hurt. Either way the truth remains, what happens to us shapes us. As a result we look for significance and meaning in a variety of wrong places (e.g., material things, job titles, improper sexual fulfillment/attention, tearing others down, drugs, etc.).
Read again John's words in Revelation 21:9-11,
9 Then came one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues and spoke to me, saying, “Come, I will show you the Bride, the wife of the Lamb.” 10 And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great, high mountain, and showed me the holy city Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God, 11 having the glory of God, its radiance like a most rare jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal.
I am sure you noticed John is going to see the bride, the wife of the Lamb. By taking concepts from other passages (e.g., Matt25:1-13; Eph5:25-32) we know "she" is The Church. This deduction is made concrete here in Revelation 21. Yet added to this picture is how the holy city Jerusalem is also the bride...which is The Church. So, more than a place, the concept being communicated here is about a people - God's people.
Speaking of God's people, the first description is that of a rare jewel, like a jasper. The first time this stone/jewel appears in Revelation is in chapter four, which is when John gets a picture of One seated on the throne (Rev4:2 - God) who is described as having the appearance of jasper... (Rev4:3). In other words, the people of God (Rev21) look a lot like God Himself (Rev4). How is that for value? It sounds a lot like Genesis 1:27, So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Everyone has inherent dignity worth and value because they are made in God's Image. Granted, this image has been distorted due to the Fall...yet God's people are destined to again look a lot like Him.
Yet we need to remind ourselves that God has revealed these truths to us (e.g., Gen1:27; Rev21:9-11) so that our lives are changed. He wants us to live our lives with no doubt about our worth and value. If God's people truly did this it would ignite a revolution of sacrificial love and service. The truth is undeniable; the more inadequate we feel the more we are led to dwell on how bad we are, go into depression, attempt to "achieve" in order to look important, etc. Yet living out of an overflowing reality of who we are as God sees us sets us free from those things. And when we are free we are able to more fully love others around us (which is exactly what God does).
The longer I serve God the more I love people. If only people could see themselves as loved and precious (because you are), and therefore not seek attention in the myriad of ways it is touted by the world, the more addictions and destructive behaviors would be overcome...the more God's people (myself included) would truly live as redeemed people.
What would you do if... (how would your life be different) you knew you were loved and valued? Those who are most secure in their identity love others all the more - just think of Jesus.
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