Friday, April 30, 2010

A Night of Praise

I just got back from a night of praise at Hope Community Church here in Emporia. I cannot remember the exact number, but about six different groups (a combination of praise bands and bands) took turns leading whoever wanted to come in a time of praising God.

Jesus desires unity among His followers (e.g., Jn17:20-23)...and I cannot help but realize the Trinity was pleased tonight. The Holy Spirit was moving; the truth of Jesus' death - and more importantly RESURRECTION - were proclaimed; God was glorified (perceptions of Him were changed...).

I and others pray this is only the start of more visible unity among congregations in the Emporia area. There is a second half to this post - but I will wait for that until later. [To give a hint...praising God by music along with voices and raised hands is only one part of worship...]


  1. It was an awesome night of worship with other believers! I was blessed to be a part of it, and I agree, that God was glorified, He got all the credit and praise.

  2. OK, so I do not know what is going on with my titles (i.e., why they are in weird symbols - ones I cannot even make). "A Night of Praise" ought to be the title for this...
